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Turin Thermoluminescence Analysis


Our services

Turin Thermoluminescence Analysis offers a service of dating and authentication of ceramic finds by means of the thermoluminescence technique. Thermoluminescence can be used to perform simple tests of authentication in the cases of decontextualized artifacts or real complete datings in the case of archaeological sites and historical buildings.


The Expert

Fulvio Fantino

He is specialized in the archaeological dating by means of thermoluminescence technique.

In 2007, he earned a Master's Degree in “Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage” from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences at the University of Torino.

In the years 2008-2010, he held a Lagrange research fellowship at the Physics Department of Torino in order to improve the methodology of the thermoluminescence dating laboratory.

In 2011, he starts a collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Myanmar as scientific consultant for the “National Thermoluminescence Dating Laboratory of Myanmar” located in the Pyu ancient city of Sri Ksetra (UNESCO world heritage site).

During his career he has increased his skills in the thermoluminescence dating technique comparing his experience with many other scientists, archaeologists and experts from many other places of the world.

Here our scientific publications!


Contact us

Address: Via Felice Cavallotti 33, Cuneo, Italy


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